Ludi leather co, aim to provide a high quality manufacturing service of quality products to the high end brands all over the world.
Ludi leather co is a professional OEM/ODM manufacturer of handbag,wallet. We are mainly producing all kinds of bags: handbag,tote,shoulder bag,crossbody bag,clutch,backpack,briefcase,wallet,belt, etc.and specialize in leather products field for 15 years with professional technical team. We design and develop a lot of perfect fashion items independently.
We always put the quality of our products and service on the first position in our mind,even the most demanding customers can find answers to their requests from us. We understand well the standards of quality requirements of different international markets. For any requirement,please don’t hesitate to contact us!We are looking forward to your inquiries and cooperation.
Contact: Kitty
Phone: 18675979976
Add: Guangdong Province, China TianHe District, GuangZhou Num 899
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